10 Common Preventable Workout Injuries ...

Physical exercise can put stress on the different parts of the body. Injuries can result when precautions are not taken. A lot of workout injuries can actually be prevented. Here is a list of 10 common workout injuries that you can prevent with proper information and safety measures.

1. Chafing

Chafing Photo Credit: l@in

Chafing occurs when your skin experiences friction from rubbing against clothing or another body part. It can be painful and irritating but won’t necessarily hinder you from working out. You can prevent chafing by wearing clothes with soft material and seams. You can also use petroleum jelly or talcum powder before your workout to lubricate areas prone to chafing. If you need to lubricate areas near clothing, you can use products that are formulated to be washable and non-staining.

2. Muscle Soreness

Muscle Soreness Photo Credit: erirae

Muscle soreness is a normal workout injury. It can happen when you do repetitions during a workout or a few days after exercise. Soreness of the muscles can be prevented through proper stretching before and after a workout. Of course, warm up those muscles before stretching. Also, do not overuse your muscles. Give your sore muscles time to recover before using them again.

3. Muscle Cramps

Muscle Cramps Photo Credit: Fadzly @ Shutterhack

You will experience muscle cramps when you lose salt and fluids in your body. This can happen if you sweat excessively and fail to replenish water and sodium. However, if you are new to an exercise, you can also experience cramps if your muscles get tired. You can treat muscle cramps by drinking a sports drink with sodium. If the cramps are caused by fatigue, you can gently stretch and massage the muscle until it relaxes.

4. Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Photo Credit: supulido62

Many people suffer from lower back pain during and after exercise. This can be due to having weak abdominal and back muscles. You can strengthen your core muscles over time. Lower back pain can also be caused by performing high impact activities repetitively. Performing exercises using the wrong form can also lead to this problem. If you do experience lower back pain, be sure to ice the area and do some very gentle stretching. Take some time off from high impact activities to give your injury some time to heal.

5. Neck Pain

Neck pain is caused by using the incorrect form during strength training or cardio workout. If you are just experiencing tightness in the neck area, gently stretch the muscles. Avoid rotating your head360 degrees. You can also gently massage the area to loosen the muscles. If the pain persists, consult your doctor for the proper treatment.

6. Knee Pain

There are many things that can cause knee pain. The most common ways of incurring it is by doing repetitive high impact activities such as stair climbing, running, and jumping. You can avoid knee pain by changing your physical activities to include a mix of low and high impact activities. For first aid treatment, rest, ice, compress, and elevate your knees. Consult a doctor for persistent pain.

7. Rotator Cuff

Rotator Cuff Photo Credit: her voices

The rotator cuff is a collective term for the tendons and muscles that support the arms and shoulder joints. A minor rotator cuff injury will manifest as bruising, swelling, pain, and bleeding. A major injury can severely limit or decrease the range of motion of the shoulder joint. You may also experience an increase in pain and a loss of strength. You can see a doctor to assess the severity of your injury. To prevent rotator cuff injuries, stretch and strengthen the shoulders.

8. Shin Splints

Shin Splints Photo Credit: kate_elizabeth

A shin splint is an injury that refers to the pain you experience in front or behind the lower leg. It can be caused by tight calves, weak shins, and wrong form. You can prevent shin splints by warming up and stretching the calf muscles before and after a workout. Strengthen your shins to prevent future injuries. You should also use the correct walking or running form to avoid this type of injury. Wearing the proper footwear can also help prevent shin splints.

9. Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis Photo Credit: kate_elizabeth

Achilles tendonitis arises when you overuse your tendon, or if you have tight or weak calf muscles. Overused and fatigued calf muscles can shorten or tighten, increasing the stress on the Achilles tendon. At the first sign of pain, give first aid treatment to the Achilles tendon. Reduce physical activity, rest, and ice the tendons. Consult your doctor if the pain is persistent and increasing in intensity.

10. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis Photo Credit: ReeBeckiSupergirl

Plantar Fasciitis is characterized by recurring heel pain. The pain can occur first thing in the morning or at the start of the exercise. The pain usually goes away after minutes of use. The pain can also arise if you’ve taken a long rest from exercise. Tearing of overstretched and torn plantar fascia can cause the recurring pain. You can take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to deal with the swelling. Consulting a sports doctor or an orthopedist for proper treatment is highly recommended.

Don’t let a preventable injury stop you from achieving your fitness and weight loss goals. Listen to your body and address any pain you start to feel. Remember that like anything that is overused, muscles and body parts can wear and break down.

Top Photo Credit: SaylaMarz

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