Boost your handstand game by integrating different props like hoops, balance boards, and yoga blocks. This blog post provides creative and effective ways to enhance your handstand training using a variety of tools.

20 Creative Ways to Enhance Your Handstand Practice with Props

Handstands are a powerful way to build strength, balance, and confidence. Incorporating props into your practice can not only add variety but also help you progress faster. Here are 20 creative ways to use props in your handstand journey, from the support of a wall to the challenge of a balance board. These methods will help you achieve better alignment, core engagement, and overall stability.

Using the Wall

Wall Support

Kick up into a handstand with your back against the wall. This prevents falls and allows you to focus on alignment and balance.

Wall Walks

Start in a plank position with your feet against the wall and walk your feet up while keeping your hands on the ground. This builds shoulder and core strength.

Legs Up the Wall

After practicing handstands, rest with your legs up the wall to relieve tension and promote blood flow.

Wall Handstand Challenge

Try the TikTok challenge by kicking up into a handstand while twisting towards your bottom foot, using the wall for support.

Using Blocks

Block Under Hands

Place blocks under your hands while kicking up into a handstand. This elevation helps engage your core and achieve the position.

Block Between Legs

Pin a block between your thighs to encourage core engagement and prevent overextension into a backbend.

Block for Balance

Use a block under one foot while practicing handstands to assist in finding stability in the pose.

Using Straps

Strap for Alignment

Wrap a strap around your elbows while practicing handstands against the wall to keep your arms aligned and prevent them from flaring out.

Strap for Core Engagement

Attach a strap to your feet and hold it while practicing handstands to engage your core and improve kick-up technique.

Other Creative Props

Yoga Wheel

Place your feet on a yoga wheel while balancing your body. This adds an element of instability and fun to your practice.

Foam Roller

Balance on a foam roller while attempting handstands to improve stability and core strength.

Balance Board

Practice handstands on a balance board to challenge coordination and engage stabilizing muscles.


Use a sturdy chair to kick up into a handstand. Place your hands on the seat and kick your legs up to the wall for support.

Bolster for Support

Place a bolster under your back to support your spine and allow for deeper stretches while practicing handstands.

Pillows for Safety

Surround yourself with pillows to create a safe landing zone, encouraging you to practice without fear.

Weighted Vest

Wear a weighted vest to build strength and endurance, making the handstand more challenging.

Resistance Bands

Attach resistance bands to your feet and a sturdy anchor to provide assistance and improve strength.

Tennis Balls

Place tennis balls under your hands to improve grip and engage your forearms.


Use sandbags on your thighs to feel weight distribution and improve balance.

Mat for Safety

Always practice on a soft mat or crash pad to ensure safety during your handstand attempts.

Data Table: Props and Benefits

WallAlignment, Balance, Safety
BlocksCore Engagement, Stability
StrapsAlignment, Core Engagement
Yoga WheelInstability, Fun
Foam RollerStability, Core Strength
Balance BoardCoordination, Muscle Engagement
ChairSupport, Ease of Kick-Up
BolsterSpine Support, Deep Stretches
PillowsSafety, Confidence
Weighted VestStrength, Endurance
Resistance BandsAssistance, Strength
Tennis BallsGrip, Forearm Engagement
SandbagsWeight Distribution, Balance
MatSafety, Injury Prevention

Incorporating these props into your handstand practice can significantly enhance your skills and confidence. Experiment with different props and find what works best for you to make your handstand journey more enjoyable and effective.

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