17 Easy Exercises for Toned, Bikini-Ready Tush ...

Exercises to tone buttocks ought to be a huge part of your workout this summer if you want to be able to wear everything you’ve dreamed of wearing but didn’t have the guts to actually put on. No need to hide behind unflattering bikini bottoms, honey, because there are tons of easy ways to tone your but without having to break the bank or leave your house! Doesn’t that sound awesome? Well, it sure is and these amazing exercises for gluteus will help you build buns you’ll be proud of:

1. Air Squat

One of the best, most popular exercises to tone buttocks, the so-called Air Squat is nothing more than your average squat with the only difference being the fact that there is no extra weight involved which means you can do it at home with no extra equipment. Awesome, isn’t it? Then check out this video to learn how to do it properly and have an awesome workout.

2. Lunge

This drop-dead-gorgeous lady really has amazing legs and a perfectly toned tush! The good news is – you can have it too and this well-known exercise is just one of many ways to tone your butt and legs so you could finally walk tall and proud in an ultra short mini skirt or your favorite skimpy bikini bottoms! Take a look at this helpful tutorial first so you’d know how to do them properly and do remember to check back soon and let me know how it goes.

3. Lying Hip Extensions

Speaking about awesome exercises for glutes, here’s one I’ve always been a huge fan of! Now, some of you might think that’s weird but give it a try and you’ll see what I mean. The fact that it is so easy to do at home is a neat bonus but being able to kind of feel working after just a week or two is a definite win-win! So? What are you waiting for? Invest in an exercise mat, check out this tutorial to get the moves down and hit the floor! Literally!

4. Lying Hip Extensions – Single Leg

Tried lying hip extensions and loving them? You see! I told you it’s one of the best butt exercises out there! But wait, we’re not done! And when it comes to hip extensions you’d better believe there are more interesting tricks to add to your exercise routine. This one, for example, is an awesome variation you can combine with the exercise shown above or use as a replacement, to shake things up a bit when your routine becomes too boring.

5. Classic Hip Extensions – Bent Knee

But let’s get ourselves familiar with more interesting hip extensions variations and let’s start with this one as it is perfect for beginners in addition to being easy to do at home, of course! This video will take care of the how-to’s and explain the effects this exercise has on your gluteus maximus (which is, by the way, the largest muscle in the body) which leaves me with only two things to do: a) congratulate you for making a decision to exercise more and b)introduce you to a few more ways to tone your butt.

6. Hip Extensions – Basic

Hip extensions aren’t only the best exercises to tone buttocks but probably the only ones that will allow you to work your gluteus out without affecting the other muscle groups. Net, huh? Well, now that you’ve got all the variations down, you might want to check out the classic version as well. It’s a bit harder to do but hey – that’s the point!

7. Step Ups

Step ups! Now we mustn’t forget those, ladies! Did I hear a “Why?” I don’t think so! After all, we all know building an impressive lower body is virtually impossible without at least one variation of this fantastic exercise! Now, the bad news is that you will have to invest a bit if you want to do them at home but the good news is that you can do them in a park, provided that you find a bench of the right height.

8. Stability Ball Exercises for Glutes

Stability balls can be found for really cheap these days which means you can still afford a perfect at home training and cut down on gym costs. But since we’re talking about cool exercises to tone buttocks, I’m going to skip the big speech and focus on those only starting with this amazing video tutorial you, your thighs and glutes will love!

9. Stability Ball Hip Extensions

This exercise for glutes is a must-try, my ladies! An absolute and total must! Geez, I can feel my butt getting better just by looking at this video – that’s how good this exercise is! And if you though hip extensions are intense workout, I’d love to hear your opinion on this one. LOL! Be sure to take a peek and I really hope you’ll decide to include it in your workout.

10. Toe Taps

Don’t go yet because we have many more amazing exercises for glutes to cover! Toe taps, for example, now that’s one exercise you shouldn’t miss out on as it is as easy as they come and requires no special equipment whatsoever! Check out this tutorial to see how it’s done, get your exercise mat out and get on to it.

11. Brazillian Butt Lift Exercise

Well, hello – this is what I’m talking about! Who wouldn’t want a rock-hard, perfectly toned booty! The only problem is this – having a perfect butt requires a lot of work, doesn’t it? Well, here’s an idea – why not do it at home! It makes perfect sense, ladies, because you can still do all of these amazing exercises and you don’t have to waste precious minutes trying to talk yourself into getting up, dressing up and going to the gym! Look – a chair is all you need!

12. Brazillian Butt Lifting Workout

Oh la la! I’m loving this, girls, and I’m sure you’re going to love it too! This fantastic video tutorial isn’t a simple how-to on this or that exercise but a full 35 minute long workout including all best exercises to tone buttocks that will certainly help you turn your flabby glutes into buns of steel to die for! Don’t think– go for it!

13. 30 Best Butt Exercises

Trying to decide which new exercise for glutes to try today while shuffling through a ton of tutorials can be a bit overwhelming which definitely ought to make us appreciate videos such as this one even more! Don’t you think so? So, instead of watching a video at the time, you can just star this one to watch before you start your workout.

14. Leg Lift on a Ball

Okay, okay, time to get back to those individual exercises you can add to an existing routine. And if you’re looking for a good new exercise to tone buttocks, you should definitely give this one a go! It’s simple, safe and super effective- aren’t those three things something we all love the most!

15. Butt –Ups

Best things come in twos and I have a feeling this exercise just might be one of them! Exercising your abs and glutes at the same time, I mean, seriously – how cool is that?! Awesome! Don’t leave it for later, ladies, play this video right now!

16. Four Best Butt Exercises

Short and sweet – four best ways to tone your butt all in one interesting video tutorial! Who could say no to that! Hope you have some fitness equipment at home or at least a bench you can use because these exercises are definitely a fool proof way to have a firmer, nicer looking tush you’re going to be proud of!

17. Chair Squats

Last on my list of best exercises to tone buttocks is this super educational video that will certainly inspire you to get creative with your furniture and start seeing it, not as a collection of object you can lounge on or eat on but as crucial pieces of fitness equipment that could help you have the body of your dreams! Check it out, give this exercise a go and do share your results!

Do you know some other nice exercises to tone buttocks? Do share! Having a better, firmer, rounder butt is something all of us dream about and I’m sure no lady in her right mind would refuse a good advice on best butt exercises!

Top Image Source: Emma Cox Tanning

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